Biblical Greek for Christ’s Sheep

Greek for Sheep exists to spread a passion for God’s Word by equipping pastors and students of all ages with the skill of reading and interpreting the New Testament in its original Greek language. This is achieved by offering affordable semester-length courses ranging from Beginner’s Greek, to advanced interpretation of the Greek New Testament, to even summer reading groups.





-Texarkana, TX

About the Instructor.

Welcome! I’m Colton Moore, and if you are a Christian, then you, like me, are a sheep sitting underneath the Good Shepherd. We listen for the Shepherd’s voice within the Scriptures, yet we often wander from him. But he never lets us wander too far—he always brings us back by calling us. We hear his voice, and we know it is him precisely because we are his sheep.

“My sheep hear my voice. And I know them, and they follow me [Τὰ πρόβατα τὰ ἐμὰ τῆς φωνῆς μου ἀκούει κἀγὼ γινώσκω αὐτά, καὶ ἀκολουθοῦσίν μοι]” (John 10:27).

In my eight years of studying, teaching, and publishing in the realm of biblical Greek, Scripture, and theology, I can confidently say learning Greek (and Latin and Hebrew) has been the most useful—and most delightful—skill God has ever allowed me to learn. Through much toil, it has yielded fruit a hundredfold.

I am currently enrolled in the doctoral program at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and I have taught Greek, Latin, Bible, English Literature and Hermeneutics. Additionally, I have just co-authored a book with Joe Ben House: Beyond the Horizon: An Appeal to Parents for Classical Christian Education (Wilmore, KY: GlossaHouse, 2024). I have taught students ranging from sixth-grade to Master’s Degree students. I have published several peer-reviewed articles dealing with John’s Gospel and Greek textual criticism, the Greek Old Testament and Augustine of Hippo, second-century patristic writers, and the Reformation. You can see my CV below.

What to expect:

  • Weekly meetings (in-person or online) determined by each class

  • Weekly study materials (digital flashcards via Cerego, translation worksheets, parsing worksheets, quizzes, study guides), and access to arcing and phrasing modules in

  • Daily access to Colton for questions and clarifications

What you’ll gain:

  • The most important tool in a Bible student’s tool belt: the ability to read the New Testament in the original Greek

  • A personal hard copy of Greek textbooks, Greek grammars, and Greek handbooks

  • The ability to think and read the Greek New Testament on your own

  • Theological precision at a deeper level

  • Access to other ancient Greek texts, especially the Greek Old Testament